The following variety of antiques and collectibles will be sold at the Millbrook Community Center Building in Laura, IL (located right off of Rt. 78 in the NE corner of Laura), on 

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23RD, 2025                AT 12:00 NOON 

NOTE: See pictures and full ads online at  Doors will open by 9:30 day of sale.  LIKE US ON FACEBOOK for updated pics and additions. 2 lines will be running sale day.  

Click here for photos.

BOOKS: large collection of 1800’s/1900’s books, Civil War era, Presidential, children’s and many other types (1877 Warren Co. History book, 1926 Lincoln Grows Up by Carl Sandburg, 1899 Illinois and Knox Co. History book, 1887 Memorial Addresses, 1800’s Southern Rebellion Vol. II and III, many presidential and Civil War era books, WWI books, Buffalo Bill signed Story of the Wild West book, rough, 1913 signed Elliot Hubbard Little Journeys leather covered book, old Charle’s Dickens A Christmas Carol, other Dickens, 1913 Howitzer West Point, 1912 Story of the Wreck of the Titanic, 1800’s Peoria, IL Isaac Walker Hardware catalog, old JD service dealer’s service manual, RR books, old Phone directories, old Chiltons and parts books, 1931 Knox Gale, 1922 Carthage yr. book, 1943 Epoch, Tarzan Jewel of Opar, 1889 Glipses of 50 yrs, old Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Bobsy Twins, Raggedy Andy, nursery rhyme, full sets of hardback Louie Lamor books, 70’s Playboys, old Farm and Livestock journals/ledgers, 1935 Olney Township, early Morton Township, old Dr. Seuss McElligot’s Pool, old Tik-Tok of Oz book, hundreds of books. 

ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES: Jade Moonstone Aladdin lamp—USA Beistie 1930’s black cat, other paper Halloween pieces–prim. Nutting RR cart on wheels–Sega Genisis, Sega Saturn, Super Nintendo, Playstation II, 2 Nintendo gaming systems, ROB the Robot, extra gaming paddles and access., misc. cartridges and games, Sega CDs, coll. of 60’s-80’s rock and country albums and 45s (Lynyrd Skynyrd gold, Bon Jovi, 3 Dog Night, Chicago, Eagles, Monkees, Queen, AC-DC, Kiss, Foreigner and many more)—lg. coll. of old marbles, one very lg. swirl—old car models in boxes, old games, old Thanksgiving tall Gurley candles in box—NB Dr. Laura talking doll—a few Barbies—wind up toys NOS—nice old Batman & Robin, Huckelberry Hound, Wild Bill Hickok, Chipmunks, Beverly Hillbillies metal thermoses, Barry Gibbs and other lunch pails–unopened Batman Returns Topps Stadium Club cards—unc. Dale Earnhardt cards–WWE Lana figures NB—78 Tonka firetruck—lg. amount of Hotwheels and other cars–Cub, Chiefs, Mason and other old bobbleheads–DC Marvel 20 cent Star Wars comics, 10 cent and various other comic books—1990 full bo Topps complete set football cards—very old wooden push toy w/metal butterfly—old wooden FP paddle toy w/dog–plastic bowls w/record labels—vintage RC cans w/baseball players—old beer cans (Pabst Tankard, Schells, Wild West Firewater, etc.—green ceramic panther–Western Union flor. light—Tru Temper 945, Zebco old reels in boxes—vintage lighters, belt buckles and pipes—iron Titanic door stop—1919 WW plate—ZL Gilbert Elmwood, IL 1911 Lincoln cal. plate—Horatio Lodge, Knoxville, IL mem. Ribbon/pin—Laurel & Hardy rubber bank—military pins—2 Anna Van Briggle signed brown vases—Coleman iron—Shabby and other old metal ceiling pieces—lg Mexican chalk statues—odd reptile taxidermy basket—Byers carolers—old x-mas Candoliers NB—metal Santa–Black Dog Licorice adv. picture, others—First Act MA155 guitar amplifier—Yamaha R-1000 receiver—other vintage stereo items and speakers—carved wooden and brass old statues—BR, other old wrenches—Warren Kimble Folk art cat pictures—very old pictures, one Lincoln—old time clock—very ornate wall and mantle clocks—retro lamps—old Nursery lamp w/wooden train—retro pool ball clock—alum/brass sm. propellers—Red Cross, milk, soda, other bottles—plastic kid’s plates—tins—Griswold, Werner cast iron skillets and other pieces—cast iron tractor seats—old oil jars and cans—Aledo Cheese therm.–Westbay Equip. thermometer—1960’s/70’s license plates—train sets—mechanical Marz train—steel wheels—cast kitchen pump—galv. tubs, chicken feeders, pottery, old press, register tops, stainless and other milk cans and other primitives—ice cream parlor bench—wood airplanes–old paper Valentines and local paperwork—Canada Crown and other jars—pottery vases and bowls—Peoria Union Stockyards and more bullet pencils—flint points–Martin Imp. LaFayette MF flyswatter—1937 John Noll Dairy adv., Ecklund Motor Elmwood book, Folkenroth Ins., Graves Milling, Yates City Imp. and more—JEWELRY: raw Caledonia, opal and turquoise stones–.925 bracelets, ant. ring, pins—14K pearl earrings and 14K heart set, Bella Perlina beaded bracelets, Heidi Daus, Trifari and other rhinestone pins, Nolan Miller, Epiphany, Krementre, character watches, crystal, other high dollar modern costume, ant. costume jewelry, old plastic pieces—many misc. antiques. 

GLASSWARE, DISHES, ETC: All types of ant. nice glassware (Fenton, Fenton Carnival, Art Glass pieces, much Depression of various colors/patterns, WM and many milk glass pieces, fluted Goofus dish, Fostoria, Vaseline pieces, Jade and other FK, Ruby Red, much Kobalt blue, Fenton blue, juice sets, painted glass pieces, Pyrex nest sets, Pyrex platters and different pieces, Pyrex glass pans w/glass handles, misc. cartoon glasses, colored ceramic pieces, Chase pitcher & glasses, snack sets in boxes, cake plates, Beardstown, IL flash glass, syrup retro pitchers, casseroles w/lids, Corningware, Correlle, lg. Delft Holland hand painted set, lg. coll. of Halls Jewel T dishes w/serving pieces and odd pieces, 2 Alicja blown glass candle holders, glass lamp shades, Spud McKenzie and other beer glasses and steins, white opalescent dish set, Murano glass, Stetson dishes, Cavitt Shaw dishes, S & Ps, so much more.  

Click here for photos.


Ph. 309-368-6314 or 309-337-2150  Email: [email protected]  Cash, check or credit card accepted. Food served. Not responsible for accidents.